Friday, 26 February 2010

From the archive

A couple of toughies from back in the day:

1. In a land far away, iron is called "farpsi". What is "fefsili"? What do they call tin?

2. Four boys sat a science test. Their marks were 31, 32, 71 and 87. What mark did Peter get? What were the names of the other three boys?

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Take care

I've split some words into two groups:

Group 1: cad, cab, cash, cud, cog, coat, cosh, cause, core, coal, cough, cock, come, cove, cope, cosy, case, corn, comb, care

Group 2: car, code, cod, cat, cadge, cup, cool, cast, coarse, count, cuss, cone, cave, cake, calm, coop, curl, cape

Find another word for group 1 and another word for group 2. (5 points)